Sunday, February 24, 2008

Aprestad el Bridon !

UPDATE: Al parecer las direcciones de email de Barack Obama están rebotando los correos. Por lo tanto, usen el link a la página de envío de mensajes de la página de Obama para enviar sus mensajes. Renegados, ha llegado el momento de llevar la lucha por la democracia en México más allá de las fronteras.Me explico:El día de hoy el ESPURIO se fue a Estados Unidos a su Desperation Tour 2008. Su plan es tratar de crear la apariencia de que los mexicanos en Estados Unidos lo apoyan para de esta manera tratar de hacerle creer a Hillary Clinton y a Barack Obama que más les vale que no lo tiren de la silla porque si no pierden el voto latino.Bueno, si de lo que se trata es de usar MENTIRAS para seguir USURPANDO la presidencia, vamos usando VERDADES para que se le apeste el plan.Este es el plan:1. copien las siguientes direcciones de email y direcciones de contacto de las campañas de Hillary Clinton y de Barack Obama:support@hillaryclinton.compress@hillaryclinton.com Obamakburman@barackobama.cominfo@barackobama.com Envíenles la siguiente carta simultáneamente a ambos candidatos en la que se les pide NO SEGUIRLE EL JUEGO AL PELELE a menos de que quieran perder el apoyo de los mexicanos (OJO: los mexicanos que no son ciudadanos, pero que tienen emigración permanente pueden aportar dinero a las campañas presidenciales en Estados Unidos.) El título del email es el siguiente:


Este es el email:
Senators Clinton and Obama,As you probably know, there was an electoral fraud in the Mexican presidential elections of 2006. As a result, Felipe Calderon was imposed as an illegitimate president of Mexico. The legitimate president of Mexico, recognized as such by millions of Mexicans, is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.This week Calderon will be traveling throughout the USA in an attempt to convice you that he has the support of the Mexicans in the USA. He objective is to try to get your recognition of his illegitimate presidency by giving you the false impression that supporting him will guarantee you the Latino vote.Calderon, however, does NOT have the support of Mexicans even in Mexico. In fact, according to recent polls, his approval ratings have been rapidly declining, with his credibility sinking to 41% (from supposedly over 60+% in 2006). Furthermore, as you may or may not know, every single time former Mexican president Vicente Fox has appeared in the USA (specially in the LA area, where there's a very large Mexican population) he has been repeatedly protested against by Mexicans living in the USA fed up with Fox's and Calderon's right-wing National Action Party (PAN, by its Spanish name).To prove this point, please take a look at the following YouTube videos:Protest against Vicente Fox in San Jose California: against Felipe Calderon in Mexico (protesting against his support for Bush): against Fox in Los Angeles: protest against Fox have even been on Telemundo's news shows: NONE of these protests have been made by anti-immigrant groups, but by Mexicans fed up with the corruption of the right-wing party in Mexico, and specially against the electoral fraud that imposed Calderon. I would like to underline this because some people have tried to slander the protesters as anti-immigrant minute-men. No; they are MEXICAN NATIONALS. In fact you can see this clearly at a pro-immigrant rally:Immigrant against Vicente Fox: point of all of this is very simple: we would like to ask you not to play Felipe Calderon's game. We are trying to reestablish democracy in Mexico through activism and we feel that both of you, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama, are good people with enough intelligence to realize that rejecting Calderon follows the same logic as former Vicepresident Al Gore's rejection of the right-wing government of Colombia, responsible for terrible violations of human rights.And yes; the Calderon presidency IS responsible for sending the military to the streets in Mexico, resulting in the raping of an indigenous eldery woman in Veracruz, the killing of an entire family in Sinaloa, the raping of many women in Coahuila, the torture, kidnapping and raping of women in Michoacan, and many more atrocities. Curiuosly, Calderon pretends to justify all of this saying he's just fighting drug dealers. Almost the same excuse of the "weapons of mass destruction" used by Bush to invade Irak, torture peope in Abu Ghraib, and keep the US military in the Middle East with, costing thousands of American lives. To support Calderon is just the same as supporting Bush. Is that the message you want to send to the Latino voters? That you are no different than Bush?On top of that, the Calderon presidency recently gave Halliburton a contract for over half a billion dollars for drilling oil in Mexican waters. The association of Calderon with Halliburton was even denounced on TV in the USA: This should be a major issue for both of you. Specially for you, Senator Clinton. Remember how you got rid of you Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart Mexico stocks when you learned you had them? Everyone thought it was the responsible thing to you because it sent a clear message that you will not play the game of one of the most repudiated corporations in the world. If any of you, Senators Clinton and Obama, support Calderon, it will mean you support in fact Halliburton. And if there's a name the liberal voters are fed up with is precisely HALLIBURTON, as they are one of the largest war profiteers in the Irak war.Believe me when I say this: all of us in Mexico who support democracy will ask our Latino friends and relatives in the USA NOT to support any candidate who supports Calderon. That's MILLIONS of people, as you already know. If you want the Latino support, then please do as Vicepresident Gore and reject any dealings with the right-wing government's in Latinamerica. Mr. Gore refused to have anything to do with the right-wing Colombian government. It is your time to show you DO support Latinos by refusing to have any dealings with the right-wing government in Mexico. No government impossed by an electoral fraud should have the support nor the recognition of DEMOCRATIC candidates. Your refusal to have any dealings with Calderon will result in a higher support from Latinos in the USA. Because, literally, the right-wing, neoliberal economic and political policies by the right-wing PAN party have forced millions of Mexicans into poverty and into having to migrate illegally to the USA. If you want to be a part of the solution to the immigration problem, start by refusing to have anything to do with the illegitimate government that continues to expell Mexicans from their country by sinking them into poverty.As a final note, and to prove that many Mexicans ONLY recognize Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as the LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT OF MEXICO, please take a look at these videos showing the support for Lopez Obrador in the USA by Mexican nationals: We will start today our campaign among our friends and relatives in the USA asking them not to support any candidate who supports or has any dealings with Calderon. We hope you can understand our reasons. We are simply, like yourselves, doing our best to build a true democratic world.Best regards,(FIRMA)


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